Monday, December 20, 2010

24 Days of Advent - Day 20 - Too Much to Do!

Yes, dear readers, I've missed another day of my advent blogs. Which brings me to another time-tested Christmas tradition -- having just too much to do! How does this happen? Christmas falls on the same date every year and I know exactly what needs to be done to get ready, so how do I end up so overwhelmed at the end?

There are just a few things left to do . . . baking, icing 3 batches of cutout cookies, wrapping gifts, cleaning, doing laundry and running errands (while still keeping up with work and scheduled meetings). And, oh yes, leaving time to stop and live in the present (NOT two or three days ahead) and think about what we're doing this for. As a special friend said in his Christmas letter, we celebrate "a humble Birth that blesses us all". That's a good reminder to me (and all of us) to keep our celebration humble, as well.

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